CREDIT CREEPS Oh, Oh— Not those CREDIT Creeps, again! I’m stomping in the rain— Just stomping in the rain— I’m happy again —Just slingin’ andstomping in the rain! Call PICB to chase your stormy clouds away. Audio Layer Categories: Cartoon, NewsletterBy picbApril 15, 2019 Share this post Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Author: picb Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Don’t Let Your Profits Go Up In a SmokeNextNext post:INTELLECT, INTUITION, and INSTINCTRelated PostsHalloween 2019October 31, 2019August 2019 CartoonAugust 21, 2019Printer Recovers $50,000.00 When PICB Bites Crime!August 21, 2019July 2019 CartoonJuly 22, 2019PICB Pricks Puffed-Up Excuses & Deflates Dumb DisputesJuly 20, 2019Crawly Critters and Credit CreepsJune 24, 2019