Do Credit Creeps Erect Walls To Keep You From Your Money?
PICB Is a Brick Breaker Tumbling Brick Makers
There was a local Credit Creep who built a wall to prevent a Printer from being paid — He failed, and he is now just another pile of muddy rubble, crumbled at the base of his wall.
He signed a payment agreement all the while intending to steal the money owed. His signature a plot to buy time as he prepared his bricks. When ready, He foolishly emailed the Printer his wall plans, smirking as he told the Printer he was moving to Florida where he believed the exemption laws would prevent the Printer from obtaining the payment due.
Now truth be told – this Creep was partially right, but being part right is akin to building a wall without mortar – failure was inevitable. Little did this creep know that Florida requires a two-year minimum residency before exemption is granted.
The printer contacted PICB immediately, and even though it was Thursday night before Xmas, PICB was able to engage their local attorney, who IS now known as The Wrecking Ball, as she was able to thwart the Creep’s dastardly plan by using his email to motion and obtained an emergency order for judgment along with permission to restrain the Creep’s bank account. She captured a substantial amount of money giving the Printer most of what was owed.
There are still some bricks to be knocked down, and we have further plans for the remaining bricks, but for all intent and purpose the Printer won!
Do you think we should send this Creep a belated Merry Xmas thanking him for his stupid wall!