Printing Industry Credit Bureau
Phone: 847-265-0400 
Fax: 847-265-4377 
We hope you enjoy the February Issue of PICB Credit Tips. 

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FEB 2017
ISSUE No. 36
"Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn."
-Benjamin Franklin

Happy Valentine's  Day
from the entire PICB  team

How do you solve this scenario...
Learn How to Get a Free CRA Report 

Printing Industry Credit Bureau has compiled a state by  state list, for clients and affiliates, to reference regarding NSF checks. 

We have provided information regarding civil penalties, statute of limitations for executing your rights, and recipients obligations to recover funds/penalties.  The information contained is not definitive as Federal, State, County, & City laws are subject to changes and amendments. 

For information regarding a specific NSF check, or unpaid claim to your company, please contact PICB and take advantage of our vast collection of resources which include a nationwide network of attorneys. 

We look forward to serving all of your credit and collection needs. 

Call us today at 
(847) 265-0400 or visit us online at



Cons have a new trick to cheat their victims - Be Aware -

You get a call from what you think is a vendor you know, and during the call you are asked what seems to be a very innocent question, such as, 'can you hear me', or 'do you have a trusted paper source'?

Yes this actually has happened to a member

BE WARNED -Should you answer this question 'Yes', your answer may be recorded and used to make false pu rchases, or to create invoices due from your company for services not provided..


  • If you have caller ID, use it-
  • If the number is not recognized, or it comes up private - take the caller's name and number stating you will call them back.
  • If the number is displayed without a name, Google it to verify it is from a trusted party
  • When in doubt -Don't - if the call seems fishy then assume the smell will not improve -hang up
  • Do Not answer your business phone by saying 'Yes' -remember that is all this Conster needs to profit off of you

PICB will stay vigilant to keep you aware -

Over 2,000 PIA Members
Helped Nationwide


PICB is the printing industry's dedicated commercial collection agency that has helped printers recover unpaid debts for over 35 years.  Our collection expertise, personal service, dedication, and intimate knowledge of the industry produce superior results at rates below industry averages. 

PICB's sister company created an easy to use web portal to government sponsored web-sites that provides real-time, free information you may find helpful in determining a customer's stability or viability. These sites provide you the ability to verify business registrations, civil court records, lien information, and much more.
No time to research your customer's background?  PICB's sister company, Check It Co. can help. Check It Co's Credit Risk Assessments compile reports the old-fashioned way with hands-on, extensive research using 21st century tools.  Know your customer before you do the work and you won't get KISSED. 

PICB's free web-based tool, located at near the center of the navigation bar, provides free access to our database of customers who haven't paid printers.  Look up your potential customer and see if PICB already knows them.  It may save you some heartache. 

Printing Industry Credit Bureau - PICB
Phone: 847/265-0400 | Fax:  847-265-4377 | Email: [email protected]  |