Printing Industry Credit Bureau got it right...
Our vast array of resources,
knowledge, and experience are here to protect Printers from losses associated with criminal activities such as described in the below fraud alert from the US post Office.
This is the same report alert that has been announced for so many months on PICB Credit Tips Newsletter.
The US Post Office, US Law Enforcement and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are working to get the responsible parties behind bars.
Meanwhile... You should be careful!
If you are the victim or know of a potential victim contact the Postal Inspector Matt Schmitz at
[email protected].
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter please contact Andrea Schlack at
[email protected] or 847- 265-0400.
"Diligence is the mother of good luck."
-Benjamin Franklin
If you would the link to the US Post Office Alert on our website, please