Handling problem accounts is never a pleasurable task for any organization. After spending time chasing an unscrupulous client, it is even more frustrating to turn the account over to a collection agency that is unresponsive. We were very happy when we learned about Printing Industry Credit Bureau through PIA.
We have developed a strong working relationship with Andrea Schlack and her crack staff. They are as much interested in limiting our need for collection services as they are in collecting funds due us. During our process to set up a new customer, we always utilize their website, www.picb-us.com. It has many great tools for reviewing information regarding potential clients. In the event we would prefer to outsource this function, Andrea’s team does a great job of utilizing their resources to provide credit recommendations through their screening process….Credit Risk Assessments. Additionally, PICB’s team has always been very open to sharing experiences to help us us limit our exposure. For example, the great feedback regarding our credit application that now better protects us and provides more flexibility.
Over the years, we have worked with Andrea on a few difficult accounts. She is always very active with these accounts playing all possible angles. When I call her, she knows the account and the status. We are not just a number. If it becomes time for a legal proceeding, she has strong relationships with attorneys across the country. Each attorney we worked with has been professional, cooperative, and flexible. Additionally, Andrea is always involved managing the process. Many times she has provided counsel regarding the effectiveness of strategies knowing the costs would outweigh any potential benefits.
Collecting funds from difficult clients is always a challenge. However, we are confident that Andrea’s team at PICB puts us in the best position to limit out exposure and increase our ability for a successful collection.
Scott Pierquet
Royle Printing Company
URL: http://royle.com