We Collect From Dead People
Attachment of the Business Snatchers!
What is fear but reality manifested in the brain’s cortex as an explosion of hyper-intense feelings and emotions? Much like humor makes you laugh, fear makes you scream!
Happy Halloween
This should make you scream
Imagine, one day being given your expiration date! While we all know it’s coming, actually knowing it is near is the meaning of the reality of fear.
Why the morbidity? you ask; Because this scary tale of the small businessman who was given this news is a cautionary tale we should all be in worry of so as we do not become victims.
One day, a couple of years ago, a small printer who operated a nice reliable business for more than 50 years was told he was dying and was given a few months to make his arrangements. This man, who always cared for others, his first thought was of his employee’s future — was more concerned over their fate than his!
Wanting to ensure his employees and their family’s livelihood would continue, he offered to sell his company to them. He believed by selling them his good and stable business not just thanked them for all their dedication, it also honored their diligence giving them all financial peace that is so necessary for this scary economy.

Weeks went by. Everyone seemed ecstatic over his generosity. While they claimed to be in agreement of the deal, the agreement was continuously being doctored and altered to where it became a Frankenstein document, that was ultimately never signed as the poor businessman passed away, waiting.
Now one would think that would be the end of the tale – NOPE – this was the beginning of the actual nightmare.
The business’s vendors were all told of the Owner’s pending demise and told of the progressing business sale. All were provided assurances that the only change to expect would be ‘He would no longer be there’. They were comforted in knowing that the stable community printer would remain in business and all would continue to pay for goods and services provided. No one worried, as this was the little print shop that did and could – it was a trusted business in a small town of friends — everyone knew they would be paid as they had always been — TILL THEY WEREN’T!
Several unpaid vendors asked for PICB’s help.
Upon closer scrutiny, PICB was able to ascertain that the duplicitous employees only posed as buyers in order to dupe all who continued to trust the neighborhood print shop. Having conspired with the now deceased owner’s longtime attorney they squatted the business and became devious business snatchers! They stole a Deadman’s good reputation and all the money left for his widow. They sealed their own fates as frauds!
While his body turned to dust these PODs, (persons of deception), continued to operate under the same name while using the same bank account as the banker was unaware of their squatting-con. They racked up substantial debt and not all was business related. When asked, they pretended not to know the status nor the future of the printing company despite their being in full control as they gutted all of its’ profits.
Our attorney, who was retained to battle against these demons of disguise, not just won the case he also collected all the money owed, plus all fees and interest. The Judge was so incensed by their depth of depravity he ruled with an executioner’s finality, ‘ALL THE DEBT YOU CREATED IS A PRODUCT OF FRAUD’ and promptly ordered each to pay personally all the debt incurred. Fraud cannot be discharged in bankruptcy so their deliberate and deceptive practices will now be their noose forever around their necks!
The good businessman now can rest in peace!