There are no scales or hooks necessary, and you do not need fins or even an ability to swim to win.
Who is eligible? — Anyone and everyone except employees of Professional Credit Management Associates, Inc. dba Printing Industry Credit Bureau and Checkitco Company (PICB), along with their children and/or relatives, may enter to win.
When does this promotion end? Each month there will be a new Fishy Tale challenge posed to subscribers of PICB’s Where’s the Money Newsletter. PICB May end this challenge at any time and without notice.
WHAT IS THE PRIZE? Free Credit Risk Assessments worth $85.00 provided each month, and a one-time monetary prize of $500.00 awarded to the one respondent who won the most CRAs from Jan. 2017 – Nov. 2017.
WHAT IS CRA? CRA – PICB’s unique report is intended for credit granters to use in support of making wise credit choices and is built using current records filed with various governmental agencies and are available under ‘Public Records’. PICB purchases no existing report to re-sell it, We actually do the old fashion method of real time research using the 21st century modern tools.
HOW DOES THE GAME WORK? The answers to the challenge are speculative – there is no one correct answer, therefore the winners will be those first 3 respondents who provide a ‘solution’ and meets the eligibility requirements as stated above.
HOW DO I SUBMIT MY SOLUTION? Post your answer directly on the Newsletter ‘answer box’, make sure and identify your name and company name, we will then notify you if you were one of the first 3 respondents via email and award you your Fishy Tale redemption coupon.
WHEN CAN I REDEEM THE COUPON? Anytime by submitting a CRA request, make sure and provide your redemption coupon at the time of submission and we will provide you the requested report.
CRA redemption coupons may not be claimed for the cash equivalent.
WHEN WILL THE GRAND PRIZE BE PAID OUT? $500.00 will be paid to the individual or company who has entered the most winning challenge answers between Jan. 2017 thru Nov. 2017 and the cash prize will be paid prior to December 31st, 2017
For more information contact PICB at 847/265-0400 or [email protected]