Printing Industry Credit Bureau (PICB) and its’ sister company, CheckitCo have over 40 years experience as a dependable, effective, cost-efficient, and reputable agency dedicated to taking the hassle and stress out of credit & collection.
We Know The Printing Industry – We’ve successfully provided dedicated service to the printing and the graphic art industry for more than 4 decades. Who better to handle your credit and collection needs than an agency designed for Printers.
We Succeed – Our recovery ratios average between 35-45%, which is well above industry standards. We put money back in the Printer’s pocket!
Low contingency fees for PIA members – 18% if collected by the agency, or 33% should a lawyer be requested and authorized.
Customized Approach – No cookie cutter methodology used here. We evaluate each case to define the optimal strategy for recovering the money. Our dedication results in better collections.
Reputable – Ask your local PIA Affiliate Manager or printers in your area who use our services, and you’ll learn of our good reputation and great service.
it Co — PICB’s Sister company provides value added services to help Printers’ prevent loss attributed to bad debt which improves cash flow.
Credit Risk Assessment Reports (CRAs) —it Co conducts real time research on customers so you have the most up-to-date information to determine who is creditworthy. Fresh information for good decisions. Click on ‘We Check It’ to order a CRA today.
Riskee Business – Click this link from our website to see if your customer is in our extensive database of more than 15,000 records of accounts referred to PICB for collection – FREE
You Check It –it Co’s easy to use web portal to State, City, County, and Federal websites that provides CURRENT business records necessary when determining the credit risk vs. the prospective reward – FREE
Resources – Sample letters & forms – use as a best practice – FREE
Over 2,000 PIA members helped nationwide
PICB recovered more than $2.5 million in 2016
Over $ 400,000 recovered by PIA members on ‘what to do’ advise from PICB
Helping printers improve cash flow- it Co has provided more than 500 CRA reports in 2016
Printing Industry Credit Bureau – PICB
CheckItCo – itCo